In order to properly use Persuade you need to have a bigger screen. Sorry!
Simple presenter console for your PDFs, in your web browser.
Drag and drop your PDF file with the slides in the box below, or manually choose one from the device's storage.
Don't worry, slides will not be uploaded to a remote server.
There was an error while loading your slides. Please make sure you selected a valid PDF file.
Enter the URL of your PDF file in the box below. Please make sure the server allows cross-origin request though!
Sorry, there was a problem with your slides. Make sure you're online, the URL is correct, and the server allows cross-origin requests.
You can setup a few things before starting up with your talk!
This will open a popup, don't close it!
I hope everything went well! If you closed the popup by mistake, don't worry: you can resume the current talk where you left it.
Please put this window in the projector's monitor, then go fullscreen.
An error occured while fetching the slides.